Curious about Narwhals

Annie C. Holdren (Author)

Curious about Wild Animals (Series)


Are narwhals related to unicorns? Spark elementary-age readers' natural curiosity about wild animals with an inquiry-based nonfiction approach to narwhals.

Meet the unicorn of the sea! Up to 8 feet long, the narwhal's tusk is legendary. It used to be traded as a unicorn horn. Today we know it is actually a long tooth that may be used as an extra sensory organ. With an engaging Q&A format, curious elementary kids will learn about this whale's unique tusk, Arctic habitat, behavior, and family life.

Simple infographics call out stats and support visual learning. A Stay Curious! feature models research skills and doubles as a mini media literacy lesson. Includes a table of contents, glossary, and index.

ISBN: 9781645491347

Author: Annie C. Holdren
Copyright: 2023
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