Curious about Duck Hunting

Rachel Grack (Author)

Curious about the Great Outdoors (Series)

SKU: 9781645496601

Let’s go duck hunting! When is duck hunting season, and do I need a license? How do I practice shooting? Drawing on kids’ natural curiosity about the world around them, this inquiry-based nonfiction book explores duck hunting safety and fundamentals to get elementary kids ready to explore the outdoors. Conversational questions like “Can I hunt any duck?” and “I shot one, now what?” pique kids’ interest and share what the sport is like for young hunters.

“Did You Know” fact boxes and infographics draw in casual browsers and visual learners. A “Stay Curious!” feature encourages kids to keep asking questions while doubling as a mini media literacy lesson on research skills. Includes a glossary and index.


Author: Rachel Grack
Copyright: 2024
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