Curiosidad por Disney

Rachel Grack (Author)

Curiosidad por las marcas favoritas (Series)


What was the first Disney movie? How are animated movies made? Spark kids' natural curiosity with an inquiry-based exploration of the brand that makes their favorite movies, translated into North American Spanish.

Disney is known for its blockbuster movies. The magic comes from its storytelling, but there's more to know about this iconic entertainment brand. Kid-friendly Spanish text takes readers behind the scenes to answer questions about the Disney brothers, animated films, Disney parks, characters, and more! Simple infographics draw in browsers and visual learners.

A Stay Curious! feature encourages kids to keep asking questions while doubling as a mini media literacy lesson on research skills. Includes glossary and index.

ISBN: 9781645495918

Author: Rachel Grack
Copyright: 2024
Book Details


Special Features