Curious about Werewolves

Gina Kammer (Author)

Curious about Mythical Creatures (Series)


How does a person become a werewolf anyway? Spark early readers' natural curiosity about fantasy creatures with this inquiry-based nonfiction approach to werewolves.

Old myths and stories say a werewolf bite will turn you into a werewolf. Of course, a magical object or a curse might too. The full moon will never look the same again! Perfect for self-selection, this question-and-answer book covers legendary werewolves' appearance, behavior, and where they live. Simple infographics draw in browsers and visual learners.

A Stay Curious! feature encourages kids to keep asking questions while doubling as a mini media literacy lesson on research skills. Includes glossary and index.

ISBN: 9781645491316

Author: Gina Kammer
Copyright: 2023
Book Details


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