Curious about Upcycling


What is upcycling and how can it help save the Earth? Ignite kids’ growing curiosity about the environment with an inquiry-based approach to reducing waste.

Create a dog toy out of a t-shirt. Plant a flower in a water bottle. Make old things new with upcycling! It helps save everyday items that can’t be recycled. Conversational questions and answers guide early elementary readers on a critical thinking journey with accessible text about finding materials to upcycle, the skills people learn while upcycling, ideas on where to begin, and what some people do with their new creations.

Colorful and engaging infographics help visual learners understand new concepts. A “Stay Curious!” feature encourages kids to keep asking questions while doubling as a mini media literacy lesson on research skills. Includes table of contents, glossary, and index.

ISBN: 9781681529691

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