Curiosidad por autos de IndyCar

Rachel Grack (Author)

Curiosidad por los vehículos geniales (Series)


What's it like to drive an Indy car? Spark early readers' natural curiosity about racing with this inquiry-based nonfiction approach to Indy cars.

Indy car drivers get a real workout. In the Indianapolis 500, drivers go 200 laps, driving for about 3 hours. There's no power steering and braking takes about 100 pounds of force each time. Appeal to budding racers with this question-and-answer book covering Indy car parts, fuel, and how they differ from other race cars. Simple infographics draw in browsers and visual learners.

This North American Spanish translation includes a Stay Curious! feature that encourages kids to keep asking questions while doubling as a mini media literacy lesson on research skills. Includes glossary and index.

ISBN: 9781645494591

Author: Rachel Grack
Copyright: 2023
Book Details


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