Curious about Mermaids

Gina Kammer (Author)

Curious about Mythical Creatures (Series)


Are merfolk friends or foes or what? Spark early readers' natural curiosity about fantasy and fairy-tale creatures with this inquiry-based approach to mermaids.

Legendary mermaids aren't always the sweet, pretty fish women we see in popular culture. In folklore, mermaids were known to sink ships and drag sailors under water. But they aren't all bad. Some would save sailors from watery deaths. Perfect for self-selection, this question-and-answer book covers legendary mermaids' appearance, behavior, and where they live. Simple infographics draw in browsers and visual learners.

A Stay Curious! feature encourages kids to keep asking questions while doubling as a mini media literacy lesson on research skills. Includes glossary and index.

ISBN: 9781645491293

Author: Gina Kammer
Copyright: 2023
Book Details


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