Curious about Hedgehogs

Alissa Thielges (Author)

Curious about Pets (Series)


Does it hurt to hold a hedgehog? Find out the answer and spark kids' natural curiosity about pets with this inquiry-based nonfiction book.

Hedgehogs take stop, drop, and roll (into a ball) to the next level. Their prickly quills are a good defense against predators, but as pets, their adorable faces steal the show! Nine kid-friendly Q&As teach readers about life with a pet hedgehog, including handling techniques, hedgehogs' skittish nature, and their ability to run for miles on a hedgehog wheel. Engaging questions draw in kids while research-based answers satisfy their curiosity.

Simple infographics support visual learning. A Stay Curious! feature encourages kids to keep asking questions and models media literacy skills. Includes table of contents, glossary, and index. Perfect for curious kids in early elementary grades.

ISBN: 9781645493075

Author: Alissa Thielges
Copyright: 2023
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